Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 11, 2013

Phím tắt thông dụng trên Windows

Phím tắt giúp người dùng sử dụng máy tính hiệu quả hơn thông qua việc kết hợp các phím với nhau để gọi một tính năng nào đó, thay vì phải tìm chọn thủ công. Phím tắt tỏ ra cực kỳ hữu dụng trong những ứng dụng có quá nhiều tính năng, như Microsoft Office Word.
Bên dưới là danh sách 63 phím tắt thông dụng nhất dành cho việc quản lý trên Windows, cũng như soạn thảo văn bản, lướt web.
Vị trí các phím bấm trên một bộ bàn phím chuẩn

Phím tắt chung:

1. Ctrl + C: Sao chép
2. Ctrl + X: Cắt (Cut)
3. Ctrl + V: Dán (Paste)
4. Ctrl + Z: Quay lại thời điểm trước đó (Undo)
5. Shift + Delete: Xóa thẳng tập tin/thư mục mà không cần giữ lại trong thùng rác.
6. Ctrl + một phím di chuyển (trái/phải/lên/xuống): Chọn nhiều tập tin/thư mục rời rạc.
7. Ctrl + Shift + một phím di chuyển (trái/phải/lên/xuống): Chọn nhiều tập tin/thư mục liên tục.
8. Ctrl + Shift + dùng chuột kéo đi: Tạo shortcut cho tập tin/thư mục đã chọn.
9. Ctrl + phím di chuyển sang phải: Đưa trỏ chuột tới cuối từ đang đứng sau nó.
10. Ctrl + phím di chuyển sang trái: Đưa trỏ chuột lên ký tự đầu tiên của từ trước nó.
11. Ctrl + phím di chuyển xuống: Đưa trỏ chuột đến đầu đoạn văn tiếp theo.
12. Ctrl + phím di chuyển lên: Đưa con trỏ chuột đến đầu đoạn văn trước đó.
13. Ctrl + A: Chọn tất cả
14. F3: Mở tính năng tìm kiếm tập tin/thư mục trong My Computer.
15. Alt + Enter: Mở cửa sổ Properties của tập tin/thư mục đang chọn.
16. Alt + F4: Đóng một chương trình.
17. Ctrl + F4: Đóng cửa số hiện hành của trong chương trình đang thực thi.
18. Alt + Tab: Chuyển đổi qua lại giữa các chương trình đang chạy
19. Alt + Esc: Chọn có thứ tự một cửa sổ khác đang hoạt động để làm việc.
20. F4: Mở danh sách địa chỉ trong mục Address của My Computer.
21. Ctrl + Esc: Mở Start Menu, thay thế phím Windows.
22. Alt + nhấn chuột: Di chuyển nhanh đến một phần của văn bảng từ mục lục.
23. F5: Làm tươi các biểu tượng trong cửa sổ hiện hành.
24. Backspace: Trở lại danh mục trước đó, tương tự Undo.
25. Giữ phím Shift khi vừa cho đĩa vào ổ đĩa quang: Không cho tính năng “autorun” của đĩa CD/DVD tự động kích hoạt.
26. Ctrl + Tab: Di chuyển qua lại giữa các thẻ của trình duyệt theo thứ tự từ trái sang phải.
27. Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Di chuyển qua lại giữa các thẻ của trình duyệt theo thứ tự từ phải sang trái.
28. Enter: Xác nhận dữ liệu đã nhập thay cho các nút của chương trình, như OK,...
29. F1: Mở phần trợ giúp của một phần mềm.
30. Tab: Di chuyển giữa các thành phần trên cửa sổ.

Với phím Windows:

31. Windows + Break: Mở cửa sổ System Properties.
32. Windows + D: Ẩn/hiện các cửa sổ.
33. Windows + M: Thu nhỏ cửa sổ hiện hành xuống thanh taskbar.
34. Windows + E: Mở My Computer.
35. Windows + F: Tìm kiếm chung.
36. Ctrl + Windows + F: Tìm kiếm dữ liệu trong My Computer.
37. Windows + F1: Xem thông tin hướng dẫn của hệ điều hành/
38. Windows + L: Ra màn hình khóa.
39. Windows + R: Mở cửa sổ Run.
40. Windows + U: Mở Ease of Access Center trong Control Panel.

Tính năng hệ thống:

41. Nhấn giữ phím Shift bên phải trong 8 giây: Tắt/mở FilterKeys.
42. Alt trái + Shift trái + Print Screen: Tắt/mở High Contrast.
43. Alt trái + Shift phải + Numlock: Tắt/mở MouseKeys.
44. Nhấn phím Shift 5 lần: Tắt/mở StickyKeys either.

Trình soạn thảo:

45. Ctrl + O: Mở dữ liệu.
46. Ctrl + N: Tạo mới.
47. Ctrl + S: Lưu đè lên tập tin dữ liệu đã có.
48. Ctrl + W: Mở cửa sổ mới Đóng cửa sổ
49. Alt + F: Hiện danh sách thực đơn từ cửa sổ hiện tại.
50. Ctrl + P: Gọi tính năng in ấn từ ứng dụng đang chạy.
51. Ctrl + F10: Phóng to/thu nhỏ cửa sổ ứng dụng.
52. F2: Đổi tên tập tin/thư mục

Dành cho Internet Explorer:

53. Ctrl + B: Mở danh sách địa chỉ yêu thích của trình duyệt.
54. Ctrl + E: Di chuyển đến thanh tìm kiếm của trình duyệt.
55. Ctrl + F: Tìm kiếm thông minh trên website đang mở.
56. Ctrl + H: Mở lịch sử lướt web.
57. Ctrl + I: Mở cây thư mục quản lý địa chỉ yêu thích.
58. Ctrl + L: Hiển thị hộp thoại nhập địa chỉ trang web cần truy cập.
59. Ctrl + N: Tạo mới một cửa sổ trình duyệt web.
60. Ctrl + R: Làm mới lại dữ liệu đang hiển thị từ một website.
61. Ctrl + F5: Làm mới lại trang web mà xóa bỏ dữ liệu cũ đang có trong Cache.
62. Ctrl + T: Mở thẻ mới.
63. Ctrl + W: Tắt thẻ hiện tại.

Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 11, 2013

Hướng dẫn cách tạo USB Boot cứu hộ cho Windows

Chuẩn bị
- 01 USB có dung lượng khoảng 01GB
- Tập tin ISO của phiên bản Hiren’s BootCD mà bạn cần ( Có thể tải về tại đây)
- Phần mềm HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool, được phát hành bởi Hewlett-Packard (HP)
- Tập tin tạo môi trường DOS cho USB (bạn tải về từ đây )
Tiến hành
Trước tiên, bạn tiến hành cắm USB vào máy tính, lưu ý là bạn nên sao lưu hay di chuyển các dữ liệu trong USB
Hướng dẫn cách tạo USB cứu hộ cho Windows
Khởi động HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool bằng cách nhấn phải chuột vào tập tin và chọn lệnh Run as Administrator
Hướng dẫn cách tạo USB cứu hộ cho Windows
Giao diện của HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool sẽ xuất hiện, phần mềm sẽ tự động nhận diện ổ USB mà bạn đang cắm vào máy. Bây giờ bạn đánh dấu vào 2 mục là Quick Format và Create a DOS startup disk, sau đó tìm đến thư mục DOS mà bạn đã tải về và xả nén trước đó.
Hướng dẫn cách tạo USB cứu hộ cho Windows
Bây giờ bạn nhấn Start để bắt đầu quá trình tạo môi trường DOS và khả năng Boot cho USB
Hướng dẫn cách tạo USB cứu hộ cho Windows
Tiếp theo, bạn xả nén và trích lấy tập tin ISO của Hiren’s BootCD mà bạn đã tải về ở liên kết trên
Hướng dẫn cách tạo USB cứu hộ cho Windows
Kế đến bạn hãy Mount tập tin này sang ổ đĩa ảo (dùng lệnh Mount trên Windows 8 hoặc sử dụng phần mềm tạo ổ đĩa ảo như UltraISO để làm việc này). Truy cập vào ổ đĩa ảo này và sao chép tất cả nội dung bên trong
Hướng dẫn cách tạo USB cứu hộ cho Windows
Và dán vào ổ đĩa USB
Hướng dẫn cách tạo USB cứu hộ cho Windows
OK, thế là xong. Bây giờ bạn đã có trong tay một chiếc USB cứu hộ với khả năng tự Boot với tất cả các công cụ được tích hợp bởi Hiren’s BootCD bên trong.

Chủ Nhật, 10 tháng 11, 2013



(For Internal Use only)

Table of contents

Course duration: 75 training periods


training periods
Administration – Public Administration

Governance and Public Administration

Defining Management

Civil Service Management

Public Administration Reform


End-of-course Examination


This book is adapted by the Centre of Foreign Languages from the book English for Public Administration by Dr. Nguyen Khac Hung, which has been widely used within the National Academy of Public Administration as the main course book for English for Specific Purpose of the school.

While this edition is shorter on one hand, it remains loyal to the contents of the first edition, with, of course, certain minor changes, and focuses more sharply on the post-graduate students of Public Administration in hope of providing them with certain vocabulary on public administration, apart from the skills of reading, writing, and translation.

Hanoi, November 2012
Centre of Foreign Languages


  2. Activity 1: Vocabulary revision: civil service management
    You have learned a lot about civil service management in Unit 4. This activity will help you to rememner much of the contents. Write in three minutes as many terms related to the topic as you can. Then compare with your deskmate!
    Activity 2: In groups of five, discuss the following questions and then report your final answers to the class:
    • What is a reform?
    • What is a public administration reform?
    • What do you know about the Public Administration Reform in Vietnam ( When did it start? How long does/ did it last? What were/ are its purposes? Etc.)
    Activity 3: Pre- reading of Text 1
    Make sure you know the meaning of the following words and phrases. Use your dictionary or ask your friends/ your teacher if necessary and then fill in the gaps:

    Centralization of authority
    Parastatal sector
    1. To some extent, political policies can be considered sa policical………………
    2. Vietnamhas………………. With China, Laos and Cambodia.
    3. Some authors use the term “……………………..” to refer to the enterprise sector.
    4. The redesigning of the organizations of the state can be seen as………………..
    5. An agency that does not function well in line with its duties may be said to be………………….
    6. …………………….occurs when all the power is concentrated in someone or at a certain level of government.
    7. They have little………………………to work harder.
    8. A ………………….process is a natural, not a forced process.
    Activity 4: Reading comprehension
    Now skim through the following text and write down what you think is the topic
    1. Over the past forty year widespread dissatisfaction with the performance of public administrations, cutting across national, socio-economic, and idelolgical boundaries, has made the need for administrative reform a universal theme. Problem such as the excessive centralization of authority, the over-expenditure of bureaucracy, the lack of adequate controls over bureaucratic power, including the proper management and control of the parastatal sector, and the lack of proper co-ordination between central and local government units were so serious that they made administrative reform imperative. The reform agenda has varied through the development decades but it has always been there in the reality. There has been a “radical transformation in the ideas and approaches to administrative reform and it is now regarded as a complex and diversified body of doctrine of very great importance. The theory of administrative reform represents the meeting point and culmination of all administrative theories expounded up to now” (Poudyal, 1989). In almost every country of the world, an expanding capability for converting political demands into administrative action is, after all, a fundamental state function. Although there have been a number of attempts to define administrative structures or processes to improve administrative output or related characteristics.
    2. Even though administrative reform, as a term, has been interpreted differently by different authors, it has acquired widespread usage and recognition in matters relating to government and public administration. If there was a generally accepter definition of administrative reform, there would not have been so much debate about the topic. Some decades ago, Caiden (1969) defined it as “the artificial inducement of administrative transformation, against resistance”. He distinguished administrative reform from administrative change that is a self- adjusting response to fluctuating conditions saying that the need for the former arises from the latter because of the malfunctioning of the natural processes of administrative change. In the same vein, Saxena (1980) quoted Dror who defined administrative reform as a directed change of the main features of an administrative system, and further clarified that change must either (a) be at least of medium comprehensiveness plus high innovativeness; or (b) be of high comprehensiveness plus at least medium innovativeness. The emphasis then is in reform to bring about necessary changes in public bureaucracies. Administrative reform, in this context, means and includes “ those efforts which call for or lead to major changes in the bureaucratic system of a country intended to transform the existing and established practices, behaviours and structures within it” (Khan 1980: 57).
    3. By definition, administrative reform is concerned with fundamental as opposed to cosmetic change. It involves the deliberate refashioning of the organizations, institutions, structures, procedures and rules and regulations of the state and its bureaucracy. It is also concerned with significant changes in the attitudes and behavior of those involved in the administration of public affairs. As such, administrative reform is far from being an automatic or spontaneous process. It must be deliberately induced and, given the inherent human tendency to resist change, those responsible for its implementation must be dedicated and committed to its success. Furthermore, as Rweyemamu (1984) rightly wrote:“Public administration functions within a political environment. It is influenced by, and influenced, the political process of which it is part. Political environment means the behavioural consequences of social, economic, political and cultural forces in society. There forces interact with external forces to produce conditions that determine the patterns of behavior of the polity, including the bureaucracy”, so that it is important to place administrative reform in the general context of interactions among different elements and relationships.
    Activity 5: Comprehension questions
    1. What made administrative reform imperative?
    2. What does the notion of administrative reform usually include?
    3. What was the definition of administrative reform given by Caiden? How did he distinguish between administrative reform and administrative change?
    4. What might be the core of administrative reform efforts?
    5. In what way does administrative reform differ from cosmetic change?
    6. Why is it possible to say that administrative reform is far from being an automatic or spontaneous process?
    Activity 6: What is the main idea?
    Carefully read the text once more, then summarize each paragraph in 1 or 2 sentences:
    Paragraph 1 (three minutes): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    Paragraph 2 (three minutes): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    Paragraph 3 (three minutes): ..............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................
    Activity 7: Word study
    Pair up the words or phrases so that they make logical units:

    1. Centralization
    1. Doctrine
    1. Be concerned
    1. Administrative output
    1. Responsible
    1. Of authority
    1. A complex body of
    1. Change
    1. To improve
    1. With significant changes
    1. To lead
    1. To major changes
    1. To resist
    1. For implementation
    Activity 8: Pre- reading of Text 2
    1. Discuss the following questions in groups, then choose a representative of each group to present the results before the whole class:
    2. When did the public administration reform programme in Vietnam begin?
    3. What are the main elements of the reform programme?
    4. Match the words or phrases on the right with their Vietnamese equivalent meanings on the left:

    1. Overall renovation
    1. Mức sống
    1. Economic accumulation
    1. Xây dựng và hoàn thiện
    1. Be deeply imbured with
    1. Dân chủ xã hội chủ nghĩa
    1. Living standards
    1. Sự phát triển lành mạnh
    1. Viewpoints
    1. Tích lũy kinh tế
    1. Healthy development
    1. Đổi mới toàn diện
    1. The socialist democracy
    1. Quan điểm
    1. To build and perfect
    1. Mang đậm
    1. Read the words or phrases above out loud.
    Activity 9: Reading comprehension
    Now read the following text carefully:
    An Overview of Public Administration Reform in Vietnam
    1. Since 1986 the Communist Party and the Government of Vietnam have initiated the overall renovation of the country (doi moi) with the focus on economic reform. Initial results in economic development have been achieved and these have helped to improve living standards of the people. However, the country is still faced with a number of weaknesses such as a low level of internal economic accumulation, an insufficiency of experience in management of the transition to a market economic, an inappropriate machinery for a market economic, and an inadequate capacity of the personnel in relation to the change of the society. The success of the economic reform has revealed the weaknesses of the state administration and created an urgent requirement to launch a public administration reform programme (PAR) and link it with economic reform, considering PAR as the focus of the process to build and perfect the State of the SRV. The programme was officially announced in early 1995. It is recognised that if the administrative system is not reformed, high growth rate of economic development will not be achieved.
    2. The objective of PAR in Vietnam is to “build a streamlined, capable public administration that uses properly the authority and is gradually modernized to manage effectively and efficiently the operation of the State, promoting the healthy development of the society, in the right direction and serving the life of the people building the lifestyle and working style in accordance with laws in the society”
    3. The PAR in Vietnam includes three major components as follows:
    4.  The reform of administrative institutions focuses on the development and perfection of the socialist democracy, ensuring human rights and the rights of the people , serving properly the needs of the material as well as spiritual life of the public. The citizens are seen as the central focus of the public a diministration in a civil society. The reform also aims at promoting and serving economic and financial reforms.
    5. The reform of state administrative machinery concentrates on building a strong machinery to carry out the executive function, in its relationships of co-ordination and distribution with the legislature and judiciary; strengthening and unifying the central elements of government; and promoting the initiative and creativity of local authorities, combining sectoral and area management in an effective manner.
    6. The reform of the civil service aims at building a contingent of cadres and civil servants which are properly qualified for their tasks, considering this as the first priority in the PAR.
    7. PAR is a complex and difficult task, since it touches upon the machinery, people, viewpoints and working methods as well as the norms of civil servants. PAR is not a single, isolated operation. It is a continuos task in accordance with the changing situation, making use of new opportunities, and facing new challenges. It is possible that the main objectives may remain unchanged while detailed contents and measures should be flexible to respond to realities. The PAR in Vietnam is only at the beginning of a long road. Much has to be done to achieve the goals of implementation of socio-economic strategy up to the year 2010 in the country. Alongside the continuation of economic and political renovation, PAR has an extremely important role in enhancing the scientific level and the practical capacity required to build a modern public administration in a democratic regime and a market economy; a public administration that is deeply imbued with national traditions while informed by best practices of advanced public administration in the region and elsewhere in the world.
    Activity 10: Multiple choice
    Read the following sentences and then decide which of the four alternatives a, b, c or d best fits them:
    1. Since 1986 the Communist Party and the Government of Vietnam have initiated………………………………….of the country.
    2. Economic reform
    3. Public administration reform
    4. The overall renovation
    5. Legislative reform
    6. Despite the initial achievements, the country is still faced with a number of weaknesses such as………………………………………..
    7. a low level of internal economic accumulation
    8. an inappropriate machinery for a market economy
    9. an inadequate capacity of the personnel involved
    10. all of the above
    11. The public administration programme was officially announced in early 1995 by ……………………………….
    12. The Government of Vietnam
    13. The National Assembly
    14. The Communist Party of Vietnam
    15. The State
    16. ……………………. Have been the major components of the public administration reform programme in our country from 1995 to 2000.
    17. The reform of the civil service
    18. The reform of administrative institutions and state administrative machinery
    19. The reform of administrative procedures
    20. Borth b and a
    21. The public administration reform in Vietnam is a conperhensive process because it ………………………….
    22. Is a continuous task in accordance with the changing situation
    23. Is an ad hoc solution to deal with administrative abstacles
    24. Touches upon the machinery, people, viewpoints and working methods as well as norms of civil servants
    25. Is not a single, isolated operation

  3. Activity 11: Prepositions
    Without looking at the previours text, insert an appropriate preposition into each of the blanks:
    1. The overall renovation of Vietnam has been initiated……………. The Communist Party and the Government …………… the focus on economic reform.
    2. The success of the economic reform has revealed the weaknesses……………….. the state administration.
    3. The reform of administrative institutions focuses ………………. The development ………….. the socialist democracy.
    4. It is required that sectoral and area management are combined…………………. An effective manner.
    5. Administrative reform is a difficult task because it touches ……………. The machinery, people, viewpoints and working methods.
    6. Public administration reform has an important role……………… enhancing the scientific level and practical capacity required to build a modern public administration …………….. a democratic regime.
    Activity 12: Rewriting
    Now use your own words and expressions to rewrite the text into a paragraph of 6 – 8 sentences.

    1. C. HOMEWORK
    Exercise 1: Complementary reading
    Read the following text carefully and answer the questions that follow:
    Tendencies and Problems in Public Administration reform
    1. In industrialized countriesm several Public Administration reform have been completed, especially in the last two decades, and others are currently being carried out. On the whole, the objectives usually pursued are to increase efficiency, that is, to do more at less cost within the existing institutional framework. Examples of this type include the civil service reform in the US in 1976, New Zealand reform in 1984 and the decentralization policy in France in 1982.
    2. Generally speaking, these reform have been undertaken within the existing political framework of the countries concerned, aimed at improving the performance of public sector agencies. They are not in that sense considered to be as “ revolutionary” as most of the reform being currently proposed in development and transitional countries. The many different objectives and methods, their incremental nature and their unfinished business, make these reform experiences not directly applicable to countries in transition in their initial stage, when a strategy of PAR has not been clearly defined.
    3. With regard to PAR in developing countries, at the present time two main tendencies seem to exist. The first is a comprehensive approach to reform and the second a partial/ reductionist approach, sector by sector.
    4. The Comprehensive Approach to PAR covers all aspects: institutional, structural. Personnel, procedural. This approach tends to be a more lasting one, having been around for more than three decades, and is still popular today, although it is now more sophisticated. In theory, this approach looks rational and logical. In practice, however, there does not seem to exist any clear case of success under this approach, mainly because it has never been fully implemented.
    5. This approach has failed for several reasons. The main one is that it does not follow a clear and appropriate strategy of reform, with priority actions defined through a process of national consensus. There is a tendency to list a whole series of areas and activities in the public sector, all considered priorities. The implementation of thesr reform would require the mobilization to be able to afford them. More critical still is the tendency to approach PAR as if public administration was an end in itself, rather than a means of making life better for people.
    6. The Stop- Gap Approach focuses on support of the development of capabilities of some specific structures, either within an existing ministry or created in parallel with the regular bureaucracy/ through measures such as exceptional procedures of purchasing and recruitment, external technical assistance, a special bonus to some individuals or groups, usually on an ad hoc basis, this approach has succeeded in getting a number of economic reform and related tasks implemented.
    7. Although this approach has the virtue of linking PAR with economic reform, it has failed to sustain the investments made over time or to bring any lasting improvement in PA capabilities, because it did not give enough attention to the logic of the system.
    8. Despite being quite different conceptions, thesr approaches share the same weakness. They are based on a strategy of reform that does not meet the criteria of rationality and feasibility.
    Answer the following questions:
    1. What are the main objectives of public administration reform in industrialized countries? Give a few examples to illustrate your answer.
    2. What is the distinction between the public administration reform in industrialized countries and in most developing and transitional countries?
    3. Can you clarify the comprehensive approach to public administration reform in developing countries?
    4. Why has the approach failed?
    5. What is the nature of the stop-gap approach to public administration reform?
    6. Why has this approach also failed?
    7. Do you agree with the arguments of the author? If you have different views, please srate them.

    You have 20 minutes to complete the following test. When you have finished, your teacher will give you the key and you will mark your own answer.
    Test 1: Sentence building
    Use the given words or phrases to build conditional sentences:
    1. You/ paint/ walls/ white/ room/ be/ much/ brighter/
    If …………………………………………………………………………………
    1. What/ you/ do/ find/ a/ burglar/ in your office/ ?/
    1. There/ has been/ a commonly accepted definition of administrative reform/ not/ much debate/ about the phenomenon/
    1. I/ be/ you/ I/ write/ a full report/ to the Secretary General/ about the/ examinations for promotion/
    1. They/ be/ disappointed/ if/ the delegation/ not come to visit/ their new center/ investment promotion/
    Test 2: Translation
    Translate the following sentences into English:
    1. Văn phòng Chính phủ, Ban Tổ chức cán bộ Chính phủ và Học viện Hành chính Quốc gia được Chính phủ giao thực hiện Dự án VIE/92/002 do UNDP tài trợ.
    1. Nếu không cải cách hệ thống hành chính nhà nước thì chúng ta khó mà thúc đẩy được tăng trưởng kinh tế.
    (5 marks)


  1. WARM-UP
Activity 1:
In groups of five, discuss the meaning of civil service management.
Activity 2: Group discussion
Describe the civil service management in Vietnam.
Activity 3: Pre-reading of Text 1
Make sure you know the meaning of the following words or pharases. Use your dictionary if necessary and then fill in the gaps:
                     to recruit                                                          professional cadres
                     overstaffing                                                      cutting down the staff
                     early retirement                                                positions
1. …………….. is one way to reduce numbers of employees.
2. They have a vacancy for a secretary. It is necessary ……………… a new one.
3. Income of civil servants usually comprises of monthly salary and other kinds of ……………..
4. When you have too many people to do the work needed, this creates the problem of …………………….
5. ……………………. Are jobs of paid employment that people hold in an office or organization, especially in the public sector.
6. I think ……………….. are engineers, accountants, doctors and people like these.
7. When there is too much staff in the civil service, governments use ………………… as a measure to reduce the size and cots.
Activity 4: Text 1
Read the following text to get the general understanding of it:
Some Issues in Civil Service Management
  1. An important aspect of effective Public Administration is efficient managenment of human resources throung an appropriate civil service system. Indeed  the needs to recruit, develop and utilized professional managerial cadres to conduct the core government function become pressing as the public service becomes focuses on strategically oriented activities of the state. An overall  focus on improved management of human resources, as well as improved development of those human resources, is an essential  element. Governments must decide how the staff will be organized, managed, recruited and selected, compensated, trained, evaluated and prometed. Therefore the issues should be addressed through coherent policies, which should be carried out in conformity with national development strategies. Firstly, the governments should re-define the role of the public sector in the light of its political objectives, its resources and the real capacity of its public service.
  2. At present, many governments are faced with the problems of overstaffing and inefficiency in performance of their civil servant. In order to sovle the problems, various governments have been using different interventions to reduce the cost and the size of the public service. Yet the measures they used, such as cutting down the staff, recruitment through competitive examination, reorganization and early retirement have some considerable results. But in fact, these initiatives have generally been ad hoc. There  should be systematic policy orientation later on. The government will have to do more with fewer but better qualified and motivated human resources. The civil service needs to focus on achieving programmed goals.
  3. There are two systems of service in the world:
    • Career system,
    • Job system.
Some of the directions to reform civil service are sa follows:
  • Defining the kind of needs for knowledges, skills and abilities.
  • Clarifying the categories of government employees to be included in the civil service system.
  • Strengthening the role of the agencies responsible for civil service management.
  • Classifying the mechanism to designate levels, responsibilitities, and positions.
  • Methods for recruitment and selection of public servants.
  • And appropriate system of salary, benefits, allowances etc., including the conditions of work.
  • Training public servants, including pre-service training, in-service training and career development programs.
  • Finally, there should be well-established mechanisms for performance evaluation.
Activity 5: What is the main idea?
Read again to find out the most important ideas in each paragraph:
Paragraph 1:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Paragraph 2:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Paragraph 3:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Activity 6: Vocabulary work
Match the words or phrases on the left with their definitions on the right:

  1. Managerial cadres
  1. Training before starting a job
  1. Career system
  1. Amount of money givent  regularly
  1. Job system
  1. Employees who hold hight-level posts
  1. Public services
  1. Civil service system that is quite closed and focuses on careers of civil servants
  1. Allowance
  1. Assessment based on achievements
  1. Performance evaluation
  1. Public utilities such as water supply, waste collection etc.
  1. Per-service training
  1. Civil service system that is open and based on specific positions of civil servants
Activity 7: Multipe choice
Choose the answer that best completes the  meaning of the phrase:
  1. Governments must decide how the staff
  2. Will be organized, managed, recruited and selected;
  3. Will be compensated, trained, evaluated and promoted;
  4. Will be looked after;
  5. a and b.
  6. A number of measures have been undertaken by governments in their efforts to reform the civil service, including
  7. Overstaffing and inefficiency in performance of their civil servants;
  8. Cutting down the staff, recruitment through competitive examinations, reorganization and early retirement;
  9. The role of the public sector in the development process;
  10. To focus on achieving planned goals.
  11. The following are the forms of civil service systems in the world:
  12. Career system
  13. Job system
  14. Cadre system
  15. All the above
  16. Some of the directions to reform the civil service are:
  17. Defining the needs for civil service, clarifying the categories of employees to be included, strengthening the role of HRM, appropriate methods for selection, recruitment, promotion, salary, training and evaluation;
  18. Measures for cutting down the staff;
  19. Pre-service training, in-service training and career development programs for the staff;
  20. Code of conduct and management by objective.
Activity 8: Work in pairs
Now discuss in pairs and then tell the whole class about civil service reform measures that the Government of Vietnam undertakes, using your own words and phrases.
Activity 9: Pre-reading of Text 2
Match the words on the left with their equivalents on the right:

  1. Non-partisan
  1. More than what is needed or used
  1. Merit
  1. An ability to do something in a skilled or expert way because of training and practive
  1. Reliability
  1. Activity in which a real situation is represented in training form
  1. Proficiency
  1. The quality of deserving praise; personal worth
  1. Surplus
  1. The quality of being dependable and therefore deserving trust
  1. Recruitment
  1. Not favouring one person or group of people more than another
  1. Adverse
  1. Suitability, for example, for a certain position
  1. Simulation
  1. Information about the results of a set of actions, passed back to a person, so that changes can be made if necessary
  1. Eligibility
  1. The process of seeking and hiring new members
  1. feedback
  1. negative, unfavourable

Activity 10: Text 2
Skim through the text and write down its topic:
  1. in order to have a public service that is highly competent, non-partisan and representative of Canadian society, great importance is attached to the staffing process. The main principles of hiring public servants are set out in the Public Service Employment Act. The Act requires that all appointments be made on the basis of merit. This means that the most qualified person or the one who best meets the standard of competence for a position should be appointed. The responsibility for selecting candidates and appointing staff lies with the Public Service Commission, departmental deputy heads and human resources specialists.
  2. The staffing process goes through several phases. The first one is the preparation phase. Here the main task is to define the nature of the vacant position (what kind of work is to be performed, the level of responsibility it requires, the context in which duties will be carried out, etc.), and then to specify, the qualifications needed. Usually the following types of qualifications are considered: knowledge, skills, experience, education, previous performance, inter-personal relationships, official language proficiency as well as reliability and medical suitability. The next step is to choose means by which qualifications of candidates will be assessed (interviews, simulations, written test, ect.).
  3. The second phase in the staffing process is the priorities phase. Certain persons are given priority consideration; for example, surplus employees or those returning from leave. Such people are appointed during this phase, if they are found qualified.
  4. During the recruitment and selection phase, it is determined whether it will be better to fill the vacancy through an internal selection process or to invite candidates from outside. Then, to ensure a broad area of selection, the position is advertised in newspapers and magazines as well as by means of Internet and email. Next a selection board is set up and the process of screening and assessing candidates begins.
  5. Following the competition, appointment are made from eligibility lists, which rank candidates in order of merit. This is called the appointment phase. All candidates that took part in the competition receive post-selection feeldback. They are informed in writing about the result of the competition and they have the right to obtain further information about the selection process if they wish. Unsuccessful candidates or persons adversely affected by a staffing decision may appeal the selection, and an investigation will be conducted.
  6. Public Service Employment Regulations prescribe that employees who are appointed from outside the Public Service should undergo a probation period of 12 months.

Activity 11: Comprehension questions
  1. How many stages are there in the staffing process in the public service of Canada?
  2. What is an eligibility list?
  3. What is post-selection feedback?
Activity 12: Word study
Pair up the words so that they make logical units:

  1. Attach
  1. An investigation
  1. Meet
  1. A vacancy
  1. Find a
  1. Employee
  1. Probation
  1. Standards
  1. Surplus
  1. Period
  1. Fill
  1. Importance to
  1. conduct
  1. qualified candidate
Activity 13: Multiple choice
Read the following sentences and then decide which of the three answers A, B or C restates it, i.e. puts the information into other words:
  1. The responsibility for selecting candidates and appointing staff lies with the Public Service Commission.
(A). The Public Service Commission shifts responsibility for selecting candidates and appointing staff to someone else.
(B). The Public Service Commission has no responsibility for selecting candidates and appointing staff.
(C). The Public Service Commission bears responsibility for selecting candidates and appointing staff.
  1. Certain persons are given priority considerations.
  2.  Person who are sure of themselves are considered first.
  3. Some categories of people are considered first
  4. People first consider what is sure to happen.
  5. Next the selection boards are set up and the process of screening and assessing candidates begins.
  6. After a selection board is established, candidates are shown on a screen.
  7. A selection board deals with sheltering candidates.
  8. A selection board tests candidates to see whether they are suitable for the job.
Activity 14: Summary
Summarize the text into 6 sentences:

Activity 15: Conjunctions/ connectors
  1. Look at these examples taken from the texts:
  2. An overall focus on improved management of human resources, as well as improved development of those human resources, is an essential element.
  3. Government must decide how the staff will be organized and managed, therefore, the issues should be addressed through coherent policies.
  4. They are onformed in writing about the result of competition and  they have the right to obtain further information about the selection process if they wish.
  5. Notes:
  6. Conjunctions are words like and, as well as, but, therefore, because, although. They are used to join clauses together, and to show the relationship between the ideas in the clauses.
  7. One conjunction is enough to join two clauses. Don’t use double conjunctions to join two clauses. (e.g.although the manager was tired, but he went to work).
  8. However, two conjunctions can be used to join three clauses (e.g. although the manager was tired, but he didn’t stay there long).
  9. Make one sentence from two. Use the work(s) in brackets in your sentences:
  10. Administration is as old as the state. Much debate is still going on about it. (although)
  1. My parents earn very little money. They are happy. (in spite of)
  1. The civil service is faced with a number of constraints and sluggishness. There is a requirement to reform it.( therefore)
  1. The merit system recognizes personnel management as an essential element of executive management. As such, personnel management can not be isolated from politics. (and)
  1. The office is overstaffed. It is now in the process of cutting down the staff.( because)
Exercise 1: Supplementary reading
Read the text carefully, then answer the questions that follow:
Issues in Human Resource Development in the Public Service
  1. Human resource development, a concept in public administration, introduces a new philosophy about human resources at both the national and organizational levels of concern: that a nation’s people as well as the personnel in public organizations are their most critical resources. Compared to non-human resources, human resources can produce more outputs in relation to inputs. This may be attributed to the creativity and innovativeness of the human resource which when applied to money, material, and technology convert these into desired outputs and outcomes. Non-human resources, however plentiful, cannot automatically convert themselves into outputs without the intervention of managerial and technical knowledge and skills of human resources.
  2. At the national level, human resource simply means people. The people of a countru are critical to its pursuit of national development. They play various roles: as change agents, beneficiaries, as well as constraints to development. Human resources development (HRD) involves the creation, development,, and improvement of the knowledge, attitudes, and skills of a people to prepare them for meaningful participation in the political, economic, social, cultural, and spiritual-moral aspects of their individual as well as national lives.
  3. Human resource development prepares people for active and meaningful participation in the political process of leader selection and in the formulation of policy decisions affecting their lives. It equips them with knowledge and skill so that they can be gainfully employed and economically self-sufficient and thus gain self respect and dignity. It develops social attributes which will enable them to cope with the requirements and pressures of social life and make them acceptable to the society and community. HRD prepares people to identify themselves with and be proud of their culture, their art, and their history. Finally, HRD prepares people for a morally and spiritually upright way of life (Harbison and Myers, 19464).
  4. At the organizational level, HRD paves the way for adequate and fair recruitment, training and development, including motivation, utilization and conservation of human resources in organizations. Organizational effectiveness depends on the capability and competency of the personnel responsible for implementing the organization’s policies, programs and projects and in the delivery of goods and services to its clientele and beneficiaries.
  5. The HRD philosophy provides for a personnel management system that ensures a developmental and systematic treatment of employee concents. Unlike the traditional personnel management system which focuses more on rules and processes for personnel actions and transactions, the developmental system’s major forcus in human resources is organization.
  6. The public bureaucracy is the center stage for human resource development which, however, does not exist in a vacuum. It is directly conditioned and affected by its contextual environment. The societal and political culture obtaining within definite time periods under a specific political system and leadership set the contextual realities under which bureaucracy develops its distinct administrative culture. The different variants, in turn, determine the characteristics and qualities of the bureaucracy’s human resources.
  7. Recent events in many developing countries show a shift from authoritarianism to democracy; and from traditionalism to modernization. However, the experience towards modernization is marred by a growing dependency on foreign loans and technical assistance which, sometimes, results in people carrying the burden of development rather than enjoying its fruits as beneficiaries. Often, the rapid changes and redevelopment of national resources place challenging pressures on the human resource development function. How to avoid the unintended consequences of development like poverty and a lowering of the people’s standard of living is a real problem faced by HRD decision-makers.
  8. Governments are, today, confronted with competing HRD issures, namely: (1) avoiding conflict and the searching for balance between merit and political patronage in public service employment; (2) increasing size of the bureaucracy; (3) sustaining personnel motivation and morale to ensure positive work behavior and high levels of performance; and (4) continuing training and development of civil servants to equip them with the necessary knowledge, attitudes, and skills to meet the present and future challenges of public service.
Answer the following questions:
  1. In what ways do human resources differ from non-human resources?
  2. What is meant by human resource development (HRD)?
  3. What are the aims of HRD?
  4. What role does HRD play at the organizational level?
  5. How does HRD philosophy differ from the traditional personnel management system?
  6. Explain why “ The public bureaucracy is the center stage for human resource development which, however, does not exist in a vacuum.”
  7. What is the real problem that HRD decision- makers in developing countries are faced with?
  8. What are competing HRD issues with which governments are, today, confronted?
You have 20 minutes to complete the following test. When you have finished, your teacher will give you the key and you will mark your own answer.
Test 1: Questions and auxiliary verbs
Write questions for the following statements:
  1. An important aspect of effective public administration is efficient management of human resources through an appropriate civil service system.
  1. The government should re- define the role of the public sector in the light of its political objectives, its resources and the real capacity of its public service.
  1. The civil service needs to focus in achieving programmed goal.
  1. The Public Service Commission has the responsibility for selecting candidates and appointing staff.
(4 points)
Test 2: Translation into Vietnamese
  1. Another source of expansion of public bureaucracies is the legislature.
  1. In response to the demands of their constituents, legislators pass laws which launch new policies and programs addressing problems for which the voters press for resolution.
  1. Sometimes, such laws provide for new administrative structures to carry out the policies and programs.
(6 points)